Sunday, August 23, 2015

A bicycle built for two

The 1971 Schwinn Deluxe Twinn tandem is coming together.

This is how it looked when we brought it home

I went over the frame with  rubbing compound, polishing compound, and finished with two coats of Butcher's Bowling Alley Wax. The chrome was sanded and polished. A lot of elbow grease. Now the crank arms are running on new bearings and fresh grease. New BMX pedals (with pointy things) installed. New timing chain and idler pulley. This picture was this morning. This afternoon I installed the seat posts and the rear handlebars.

This is the before of the Stoker's crank. (The Stoker is in back.)

Stoker's crank cleaned up.

The before of the Captain's crank. (The Captain is in front. More tandem talk.)

After of the Captain's crank. I have a couple of small pieces to install before the fork and wheels are done.. Hopefully the wheels and fork will show up this week. New pictures when the wheels are installed.